The cinematic miracle Movie "DUNE" (2021) Dune means, Dune cast, Spice of Dune, Dune IMDb, Amazon Prime, Dune budget, Dune Box Office, Age ratings, Dune Actor, Dune Awards, Dune Book every thing you should know in short

DUNE" Directed by "Denis Villeneuve's" is real cinematic miracle which just not won oscars for Best Achievement in Cinematography, Best Achievement in Film Editing, Best Achievement in Visual Effects but also Nominated for 10 academy Awards and won total 6 awards in oscars. It also  nominated for total 262 categories in world wide awards and won 158 out of them. If that is not enough for you then it has 8.1 IMDb ratings and 83% fresh as per Rotten Tomatoes. 
Dune Budget was 165 Million USDs and Dune's Box Office collection was total 400.7 Million USDs. 

What dune means? 
Dune means the low hill of sands (in the movie dune it refers to low hill sand where spices and gaint sandworm live.) 
What is Spice in dune? 
It is used as fuel for interstellar journey one of most valuable material, with out spice interstellar journey is not possible. 
What are sandworms? 
Sandworms also known as shai hulud are fiction giants of deserts. 
DUNE (movie) is based on Dune (the Book) which is classic science fiction Novel first published by Frank Herbert in 1965, published as two separate serials in Analog magazine. In 2003 it was described as best sell sci fi novel. [As per wired : Dune is the most influential sci-fi book ever, ]. You can enjoy the lavish world-building, fascinating characters and the feel and mood that make the film come to life. You don't need to have read Frank Herbert's novel(s) to enjoy this movie, but it definitely helps. 
Mentioned year on book and movie it's story of during 10191. Where the cruel "House Harkonnen" Fought wars, Killed people and captured the Arrakis planet for emperor where they got spices and by selling spices [used as fuel for interstellar journey] found only in Arrakis, "House Horkonnen" Led by Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Became more rich than emperor himself. Emperor changed the master of planet Arrakis by giving all power to "House Atredis" Led by Duke Leto Atredis. Duke Leto Atredis who wanted to created peace with people of planet Arrakis instead of just spice production or capture the planet. Reached at planet Arrakis. What happened next! you should must watch this movie. You can watch Dune on Amazon Prime. Dune is rated as PG-13
Dune Cast and Dune Actor
The protagonist of movie is "Paul Atredis (Timothée Chalamet)" Son of Duke Leto Atredis (Oscar issac) and Lady Jessica Atredis (Rebecca Ferguson). Who also known as "Lisan al Gaib" For the Fremen (people of Arrakis) term for an off-world prophet or messiah (Arabic term).  Who dremed so often about many things which might became true. In many dreams he watched so often Chani (Zendaya). The main villain's "Baron Vladimir Harkonnen" (Stellan Skarsgård) is ruler of House Harkonnen who is corrupt and brutal. In this movie you will also see Josh Brolin   a.k.a. thanos as Gurney Halleck teaching fighting skills to protagonist and also Jason Momoa as Ducan Idaho, who is a legendary warrior and a very good pitol too. Also Dave Batista as glossu rabban Horkonnen.
Let's come to main point now... 
My personal review to movie is it started too slow but once it take rhythm at 43th minute of movie when House Atredis reached at planet Arrakis, It tooks speed up they finally reached at dunes from that scene you can feel how outsider's survived at unknown planet how it's atmosphere is. Everything has been told in so much detail that which makes this movie you to understand in how much a outsider face difficulties to survive on other planet. it's cinematography is too much awesome so you can feel it's every scene as you're living on it and every angle of camera make you mesmerize to feel that movement what the characters are feeling.
[As per Forbes:- Dune is enjoyable just as an epic, visually stunning space opera. Even if you can't follow the plot (which is dense and complex and often somewhat confusing) you can still enjoy the lavish world-building, fascinating characters and the feel and mood that make the film come to life.]
